McLean's Martial Arts & Fitness
Little Dragons
Our Little Dragon Belt Testing gives your child the opportunity to show instructors and parents how developed each skill has become over the last semester of training.
Little Dragons Testing & Awards
See our student app for next testing dates and times
Our students can tell you that first they 'learn' and then they 'earn'. Testings are offered at the end of each eight week semester and are an opportunity to show instructors and parents how developed each skill has become. To be eligible for testing, Little Dragons are required to have earned eight stripes on their belt.
This is a great time to invite family and friends to see your Little Dragons progress. Note: All students and instructors wear full uniform for Testing.
youth martial arts
Belt Testings are an integral part in our Martial Arts program. They challenge our students to do their best, and provide us the opportunity to monitor their skills under pressure and congratulate them on their successes.
Youth Testing & Awards
See our student app for next testing dates and times
Testings are offered at the end of each eight week semester and are an opportunity to show instructors and parents how developed each skill has become. To be eligible for testing, students must have demonstrated the necessary skills and earned all of the required stripes.
Note: There are no regular classes on testing days, and all students and instructors wear full uniform for Testing.
Adult & teen testing
For adult and teen students, Testing is an evaluation which provides us with an opportunity to observe the effectiveness of our training and be held accountable for the material we are studying.
Adult & Teen Testing
See our student app for next testing dates and times
We believe in the power of the process: Learn, Train, Test. This testing process is an evaluation which provides us with an opportunity to observe the effectiveness of our training and be held accountable for the material we are studying. For instructors, this is a chance to gage our effectiveness as teachers, assess our students' progress, and develop new curriculum to meet these needs.
High rank testing
Testing for the rank of Third Degree Black Belt and above in Taekwondo is available to our students through national organization, Taekwondo United. Testings are held biannually at the Taekwondo United Nationals and are certified by the Board of Masters.
High Rank Testing
National Events (offered in March & September)
Testing for the rank of Third Degree Black Belt and above in Taekwondo is available to our students through national organization, Taekwondo United. Testings are held biannually at the Taekwondo United Nationals, and are certified by the Board of Masters. For all high rank testings, applications must be submitted one month prior to testing date, and an interview is required for students testing for Fourth Degree and higher.